
4 Steps You Can Take To Help Change The Way Your Family Eats

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            I know it can be hard to change the way your family eats especially being use to the Standard American Diet. Which consists of high-fat processed food, pre-packed frozen food, processed meats and dairy, deep fried foods, high-sugary drinks and all food’s that fall underneath that umbrella. This type of diet can be very addictng, don’t know what it is but it keeps you wanting more once consumed. When the time comes that you want to make the change to have your family eat better it can be very difficult. My family does not eat perfect but we have come a long way from how we use to eat. Here are four ways that has helped my family change the way they eat without even noticing.

Changing the way your family eats is not something that happens overnight it takes time, patience and practice.         

Here are the 4 steps I took over the years that has helped us change the way we eat. Maybe it can give you some idea of where to start.

1. Make Small Changes

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Start by making small changes that way your family won’t feel overwhelmed or feel that they are being forced. Some changes you can start with are by adding healthier foods instead of subtracting the bad foods, if you don’t buy it you don’t consume it and also with foods that you usually buy from a box start making them from scratch.

Instead of abruptly taking out the bad food and replacing it with healthy foods. Add a healthier food option to what you are already having makes it so much easier to open up to healthier foods. For example, a common dish would be macaroni & cheese with chicken strips, not your typically healthy dish but instead of subtracting the macaroni & cheese add a roasted or steamed vegetable. Another example, when making sandwiches instead of only deli meat and cheese, add leaf lettuce, slices of tomato or some sprouts (which by the way are amazing for your health). With whatever it is that you are making add a vegetable or a fresh fruit it will make a difference.

If it’s not bought it’s not consumed, the easiest solution is don’t have it in your house. I know sometimes it can be difficult to completely stop purchasing an item but even with purchasing it less frequently helps tremendously. For example. soda is an item we no longer buy, we only buy it when we are going to have a party. And tell you this my family does not miss it one bit. If you were to ask my kids if they are thirsty they would ask for water, it always there first choice. If it seems a little to difficult don’t worry start with only one item at a time and with an item that you feel your family can do without.

Another small change you can make is look for items that you usually buy from a box and start making them from scratch. For example, pancakes is one of the easiest foods to make from scratch but people keep buying the box. If you notice the box of pancake mix still asks to add oil, water and eggs, well while you are already adding those ingredients how about adding the rest of ingredients which are flour, salt, sugar and baking powder. Another one could be the instant mash potatoes, ok this one could take a bit longer to make from scratch but I promise the more you make it the easier and quicker it becomes. The trick is to cut potatoes into small cubes so it cooks faster and cover the pot for it to come up to a boil quicker. Once done all you need to add is butter, salt and milk then mash the potatoes. And again take one small change at a time is key.

2. Make Cooking a Priority

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Make time in your day to cook a meal, make it a priority. I know it’s easier said than done we all get really busy but if eating better is important to you, you will make the time. Start with just a few nights or mornings a week whatever work’s best with your family’s schedule. The key is to have a plan, a plan of what you are going to make ahead of time. It makes it easier and less stressful on you. It does not have to be anything elaborate, you don’t necessarily have to make a four course meal with just two components would be fine. Keeping it quick and simple is the key to keep your mind sane. An example of a simple dinner would be chicken breast with white rice or steamed vegetables. The more you make cooking a priority the easier is becomes and also it becomes second nature.

3. Incorporate What’s Familiar  

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When you are first starting don’t try new recipes, in order to keep your family involve start with foods they already enjoy. I’m sure there are some healthy foods that your family already enjoys. Take some time to write them down and see how you can elaborate with adding some more vegetables or fruit. For example, carrots and celery are vegetables they enjoy, make a flavorful soup by adding rice, potatoes also use a paste-based bouillon, it gives soups so much flavor. By incorporating foods that your family is already familiar with it makes it easier to try new things. 

4. Lower Your Expectations

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Having high expectation’s can hinder your progress, by lowering your expectation’s will keep you sane. Because having high expectations can be hard to meet and once not met we feel defeated, once we feel defeated we feel that it becomes to difficult and we quit. This process is not about being perfect it’s about making changes that will stick. If you were not able to make dinner this week because life got in the way that’s fine, try again next week. Take it a meal at a time, just make sure to go easy on yourself there is always tomorrow.

Once you start consuming real food your taste buds will change, your whole view on food changes. Once you reach that stage there is no coming back because you will start to value the taste of food and the work behind it.

I’ve noticed my family’s view on food has changed throughout the year’s. I’ve come to realize that my family does not like frozen food but yes, we do at times buy it because of convince or short on time. What stops me from purchasing it is their wrinkle on their nose when they see it in the basket. Also, when it comes to eating out, which we rarely do, my kids and husband get tired of it quickly .

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