Disclaimer: I am by no means a doctor or a registered dietitian. This here is not to treat nor cure any disease, here I only share what has worked for me. Seek professional help for advice and seek a doctors advice before starting or adding anything new to your diet.
I’ve been on this health kick ever since my teenage years. It has been an off and on thing also many trials and errors.
Whenever I’m on the hunt for tips on health or beauty I like to look at what people did back in the day. When I see a new trend going I will typically roll my eyes because most of the time it’s people trying to make a quick buck. The next thing you know it the trend has faded.
When you finally make your choice of eating better you find yourself looking around to find out what is the best way to eat. When you begin your research you will see SO MANY diets, “oh this is good for you” “oh that is not good for you” “to much of that makes you fat” and so on and so on. It can get very confusing and it can make you feel that it’s impossible to eat right.
It takes doing your own research, learning how to listen to your body and lots of trial and error. I know not something people want to hear they want to get right the first time but every body is so different and not one thing work’s on EVERYONE.
Here I would like to share what has worked for me and again it took me a while to learn how to listen to my body.
1.Green Juices

Green juices has been a game changer for me. I notice when I am consistent with drinking my green juice everyday I feel so much better and lighter. Benefit’s of drinking green juice are, your body absorbs the nutrients faster, skin gives off a nice glow and you give your digestive system a break. I don’t get particular with recipes I juice whatever I have green in the refrigerator cucumber, kale, cilantro, celery, green apples and spinach. Also you don’t have to drink gallons to get the benefit’s, I’ll have 16-32 oz of juice a day or every other day..
How has it helped me?
When I have my juices regularly my mood is better, my mind is clearer, I’m not as hungry and it really shows in skin.
2. Psyllium Husk

Psyllium husk? What is psyllium husk? Psyllium husk is a fiber, its made from the husk of psyllium seeds. There are different forms but the one I use is a powder. You mix it with water and drink it right away, it bulks up your stool and it makes you go without cramps or discomfort like other laxtive’s. Yes, it is best to eat your fiber but there are days you don’t get to. I really like this powder because it helps clean out your colon safely. Another plus is since it turns into a jelly in your tummy it makes you feel full and the less you’ll eat.
How has it helped me?
When I take this powder everyday I notice my tummy goes down. I feel like my pipes are not clogged and makes me feel lighter (if you know what I mean without being to descriptive).
3. Spirulina Powder

Spirulina is a type of cyanobacteria, it grows in fresh and salt water its also considered a type of algae. It’s rich in calcium, potassium, iron and many other vitamins. I add a scoop of Spirulina powder in my green juices and makes a big difference on how I feel. I will be honest it has a acquired taste, it took me a while to get use to it.
How has it helped me?
When I add the powder to my juice it gives it an extra punch. You can actually feel through your veins.

Water has made a big difference, many people don’t realize how dehydrated they are. When I started drinking 3/4 to a gallon a day of water WOW what a difference, I didn’t realize how dehydrated I was. Because when you feel bad you don’t realize how bad you actually feel until you start to feel better.
How has it helped me?
When I drink my 3/4 to a gallon of water a day, after a few consecutive days I feel a big difference. My headaches go away, don’t feel as tired and my mood is so much better.
5.Ginger and Tumierc shots

Ginger and Turmeric shots are great for you. It helps with inflammation in your body, improves digestion and many other things.
How has it helped me?
By taking a shot of both ginger and tumeric juice a few times a week has helped with my mucus buildup, especially during the winter. When I start to feel a cold coming in I’ll take a little more than a shot everyday and notice that my cold stays at bay.