
Healthy Chocolate Nut Butter Cups

Healthy Chocolate Nut Butter Cups

Who likes recess peanut butter cups? Here is a healthier option, Healthy Chocolate Nut Butter Cups.

Well my husband does, he loves to have them in the freezer nice and cold. His usual time to consume them is at night while we watch tv.

I’m not quite fond of him always buying them because I want him to eat better, so I had to come up with a healthier alternative. So here I make him these, Healthy Chocolate Nut Butter Cups.

What makes these healthier than the peanut butter cups you get at the store? What makes them healthy is the use of good quality of chocolate chips and nut butter with ingredients you recognize.

Healthy Chocolate Nut Butter Cup

These are super easy to make. Now my only problem is trying to keep up with the demand.

You could use any type of chocolate chips and nut butter of your choice.

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Healthy Chocolate Nut Butter Cups

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  • Total Time: 17 minutes


These are super easy to make. You could use any type of chocolate chips and nut butter of your choice.


Units Scale
  • 2 cups chocolate chips
  • 1/21 cup any nut butter ((my favorite is cashew butter))


  1. In a double boiler melt chocolate chips.
  2. In the miniature muffin tins add liners.
  3. In miniature muffin tins add melted chocolate 1/4-1/2 of the way.
  4. Add 1/2 a teaspoon of nut butter on top of chocolate.
  5. Add more melted chocolate on top.
  6. Place cups in freezer for about 4 hours or until solid.
  • Prep Time: 2 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Category: Dessert
  • Cuisine: American


Healthy Chocolate Nut Butter Cups

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